Act 1: Language Test!
Almost a PCV! It’s that magical time – end of training. We had our language test Friday. I think I did well, I’ve been working with my language instructor everyday to get the language down (Bemba is hard!). The test is about 30 mins, and it a general conversation with an instructor about a variety of topics. A passing grade is Intermediate-low which means you have the ability to combine what you have learned to created different sentences about a variety of topics. They look for long and descriptive paragraphs and an ability to use the language on unfamiliar topics. We find out Monday! Fingers are crossed. If you fail you still get to swear in but have to stay and extra week and take the test again after some more lessons.
Act 2: Like a Dali painting
Everything is very surreal at the moment. It’s amazing to think I’ve been here for almost 3 months it feels both so much longer and shorter than that. I’ve done so many new things – I’ve hitchhiked, eaten caterpillars, taught math! I’ve become obsessed with the radio show “This American Life”(can you tell?), and they keep doing shows about New York its crazy to hear the sounds of New York. One show was about a man recording the sounds of his street in New York to send to his girlfriend in Rome. And the other show had them interviewing people at the rest stop I used to go to on my way to Potsdam – craziness! I’m very sad to be leaving our Chongwe families; they have been so amazing and have taught me so much. Time has gone so fast and now we are going to our own villages to be on our own!
Act 3: Community Entry
So after being sworn in as a PCV you begin community entry! This is the time were you HAVE to stay in your village for 3 months; we are also not allowed to start working. It the time in which you use PACA tools (such as community mapping, seasonal calendars) to get to know you village. I’m also going to be observing teachers, and looking for ones to Co-teach with. We aren’t allowed to visit other PCV’s, have visitors, or go to the house. It’s a little scary but it’s kind of exciting! I’m ready and can’t wait.
Bonus: Here are pictures of my wonderful host family!
Special Thanks:
Thank you Megan Hooper! Your postcard are the most wonderful part of my day! It makes me so happy every time I get a letter!
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